Amanda Podach with Fulton County Water & Soil visited Mrs. Holsopple's 2nd grade today to teach them about recycling. Students had fun working in groups as they learned. Thank you, Mrs. Podach!

REMINDER: Student Council's blood drive is this week: Wednesday, March 26th. Please sign up and donate if you are able: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time?zipSponsor=43553

Ms. Enderle's 5th-graders continued learning and working through this morning's power outage, thanks to borrowing flashlights from Mrs. Thompson! Way to go, fifth-graders!

REMINDER: The deadline to have 2025-26 kindergarten paperwork turned in at the main office is this Friday, April 28th. Please visit https://www.pettisvilleschools.org/article/1965151 to review all of the necessary paperwork. Thank you!

Power at the school had been restored. Thank you.

Due to the power outage and the necessary menu modifications, and because of the generosity of multiple anonymous donors, all school lunches will be FREE today. Thank you to our incredible community!

Pettisville Schools is currently experiencing a loss of power. Generators are running, and we will continue to proceed with the day as usual. There will be modifications to the lunch menu today due to the outage. We are hopeful that power will be restored as soon as possible.

It was another packed house for our Mom & Son Lil Gents Glow Bowling! Thanks to Mrs. Genter for all of her work organizing it, our volunteer Dads who manned the snack table, and thanks to Mrs. Aeschliman for face painting tonight! Drop your glow bowling photos in the comments 📸

Today our kindergarten and first grade classes had 'GLOW much fun' learning with a special surprise GLOW Day! Thank you Mrs. Aeschliman, Mrs. Hoffmire, Mrs. Leppelmeier, and Mrs. Kelley for the extra FUN Friday... Way to glow!

Today our kindergarten and first grade classes had 'GLOW much fun' learning with a special surprise GLOW Day! Thank you Mrs. Aeschliman, Mrs. Hoffmire, Mrs. Leppelmeier, and Mrs. Kelley for the extra FUN Friday... Way to glow!

They came... they raced... they read... they ate... they danced... they partied.
Preschool Pajama Day Party 2025 was a huge success!

Sending a huge thank you to these Blackbird families who recently donated to the library: the Beck family donated an awesome stack of hardcover picture books, puzzles, and activity books. The Eash family donated an amazing stack of middle school to high school fiction, and some non-fiction nature books. We are so thankful for your generosity in sharing your love for books with our Blackbird students! 📚 🐦⬛

Attention PES Sweethearts:
Our 2025 Sweetheart Dance will be on Friday, April 25th.
Register HERE: https://forms.gle/ogRTChGhTGRJUBjeA
Payment is due to the office by Friday, April 18th.

It's March madness in the cafeteria... the 3rd and 4th graders were quite excited when Mr. Waldvogel turned on the TVs for lunch! 🏀

We are now accepting applications for an anticipated Assistant Treasurer opening. Find the details and apply by visiting: https://www.pettisvilleschools.org/page/job-opportunities

It is a very big week in our kindergarten classrooms! We have had Quarterbacks and Queens, and a Q & U wedding. Reverend Aeschliman returned from retirement to officiate the ceremony, and the reception was complete with wedding cupcakes and dancing. Enjoy these photos of Mrs. Hoffmire's class!

REMINDER: The PHS Student Council is hosting a blood drive next week. Please sign up to donate if you are able: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time?zipSponsor=43553

REMINDER: our lost & found table is still very full. Please remind your student to look for and take home their items.
There are still quite a few books 📕 and VHS 📼 under the main awning entrance FREE for the taking! Books will continue to be added, so check back at the end of this week for new selections.

SPRING CONCESSIONS SIGN-UP: Parents of spring athletes - please see below to sign up to help in the concession stands:
Track: https://signup.com/go/ebqUyzW
Baseball: https://signup.com/go/xcccTDu
Softball: https://signup.com/go/gkeMPBK
P.S. You do not need to have a student involved in these sports to sign up! We will gladly take friendly, smiling faces. Thanks for your support.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that there will be a meeting of the Board of Education of Pettisville Schools, Fulton County, Ohio, on the 20th day of March 2025 at 7:00 A.M., in the Main Office Conference Room. This will be a meeting to approve a contract for Power For Schools for electric rates and other business which the Board considers necessary to transact. Action will be taken.