February 2025 menu

March 2025 menu

Cafe Staff 2025

2024-2025 Cafe Staff: Wendee, Peg, Vicki, Sandy, Amy, Lindsey

**Due to food shortages nationwide, there may be substitutions**
The state of Ohio recently passed a bill that will reimburse school districts for the students' portion of a reduced breakfast and lunch. This means that students who qualify for reduced meals will not be charged. The application process is within the PaySchools online system. You must complete the forms with PaySchools and be approved to receive free meals.

Blackbird Cafe Prices

K-6 Lunch


7-12 Lunch


Adult Lunch


K-12 Breakfast


Adult Breakfast




Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch is based on federal income guidelines or participation in other programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First. For additional information concerning the National School Lunch Program, please see the U.S. Department of Agriculture school lunch question and answer webpage.

For questions or additional information please contact Sandra Blackwood at 419-446-7604 or

Lunch accounts should be kept at a positive balance. If students reach a negative balance, they may not purchase extras or a la carte items.

Grades 4-12 are allowed to purchase an extra item from the daily menu options. Students must finish 3 of 5 items on their tray before purchasing extras. The purchase of extra items or bread are for students purchasing a tray. Please notify the school if your child should not purchase extra items.  We will monitor this as much as possible, but it is still the responsibility of the student!

Students packing their lunch may purchase milk. Milk substitutes are reserved for students with medical needs. The school requires written notification from a physician. Pop should not be packed in lunches.

If you have a question on lunch account balances, please contact Rachel Phipps at 419-446-2705.

Please notify the school of any known food allergies.

Cafe Staff 2024

Congratulations to our Blackbird Cafe staff! Wendee, Christina Amy, Elsa, Vicki, and Peg all recently completed the Person-in-Charge training while Cafe manager Sandy completed her ServSafe Manager training.


sandy blackwood

Sandy Blackwood, Head Cook

alacarte 2023


Cafe Schedule