Kindergarten Registration will be held on March 3rd. Parents who are planning to have their children register for next year’s kindergarten class should call the school. 419-446-2705

Cordy Insurance Agency fire ladder and extinguisher contest winners: Darrah Kate Shaw, Ashalyn Rice, Caleb Lako, Carson Andres, Caite Wixom. Thank You... Mr. Cordy and the Wauseon Fire Department.

The Freshman Class Fundraiser will be this Friday, January 27th, from 6:00 - 8:30 PM during the JV and varsity boys’ basketball game against Montpelier. There will be parfaits, Stella Leona coffee, baked goods, and a raffle with items such as a Polaroid camera, Starbucks treats, Pettisville sweatshirts, an R&R Tours gift certificate, and other local business and community donations. Come out to show your support for the freshman class this Friday!!

Veterans and those still serving in the military join the girls basketball players from Edon and Pettisville for the playing of the National Anthem on Military Appreciation Night at Pettisville High School on Friday, January 20th.

Spanish 4 students prepared an adventurous food tasting class for 2nd grade. Students learned how various Latin American fruits and veggies grow and how to prepare them, then sampled them.

Fifth graders are currently studying about Earth and its relation to space. They practiced saving the Earth with astronaut gloves. It is not as easy as it looks!

Please feel free to join the monthly Bird Perch Community Hour at 9:00-10:00 am in the Atrium. The next Bird Perch will take place February 3rd. Today's time was spent fellowshipping over coffee and snacks as well as introducing the new members of faculty that started this school year.

A few weeks ago, four members of Pettisville High School's academic quiz team traveled to Bowling Green to participate in the WBGU Brain Games. Please tune in tonight to WBGU channel 27 at 9:30 to watch their first match against Toledo Central Catholic.

The elementary held January's Character Assembly on SELF-CONTROL. The third graders along with their teachers delivered a great message. Self-Control: Listening to our heart and doing what is smart!

Lincoln Cobb, who single-handedly won the Division III State Track & Field team championship in 1991, was recognized at the Pettisville vs Archbold boys basketball game for his accomplishment 25 years ago. Pettisville superintendent, Dr. Stephen Switzer, presented gifts to Mr. Cobb and his coaches at the time, Tom Wagner, Dave Beck and Marty Rupp.

Special visitor in the elementary today! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

The kindergarten and first grade students went caroling today for residents of Pioneer Estates.

The Class of 2016 came back to talk with the seniors about life after high school.

Grades K- 3 are celebrating Christmas Around The World today. Students are in multi-age groups visiting different teachers and learning about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries.

Pettisville FFA still has fruit, Yummers BBQ, meat and cheese, and Mennonite pantry products. We over ordered navels and tangelos and deals are possible. See Mr. P or a FFA member if interested.

Members of the high school academic quiz team traveled to Bowling Green to participate in WBGU's Brain Game. Their first round of competition will air at 9:30 pm on Thursday, January 5.

FCCLA members helped residents of Fulton County by participating in Christmas Cheer on December 8th. The officers and members demonstrated excellent leadership skills and compassion for others.

The Elementary held it's December character assembly on PATIENCE. "Wheel of Fortune" was played with Mrs. Mashall winning the GRAND PRIZE!

We had 31 participants at the Bird Perch Community Hour on Dec. 2nd! If you enjoy coffee, juice, snacks and good fellowship...join us on Jan. 6th from 9 - 10 a.m. in the school atrium.

Congratulations to the high school academic quiz team! The quiz team won the Fulton County Tournament.