Book Fair kicks off today, and is open through Thursday, April 1. Details available on the Library webpage.
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
book fair 2021
Blackbird Apparel and Gear now available for order 24/7! We have launched a new Pettisville Blackbird Fan Shop. This online store contains a wide variety of customizable apparel choices. You can order any time. All orders are delivered to your home address. Please check out the online store using the following or visit the Pettisville School Website. The Blackbird Fan Shop is currently running a sale: 20% off of any order of $80 or more. Use the code: MARCH21. The deal ends on March 31 at 11:59 pm. Feel free to share this information with family and friends.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
Blackbird Fan Shop
Spring sports pages have been updated with team pictures. Good Luck to our Baseball, Softball and Track & Field teams!
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
all sports
PARENTS: Letters are coming home this week regarding necessary vaccinations for upcoming 7th graders and Seniors (2021-22 school year). Letters from Pettisville School Nurse with additional information: FCHD Immunization Consent Form:
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
vaxx important
REMINDER: Kindergarten Registration is DUE this Friday, March 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
kdgtn reg
Don’t miss the SALE on the Blackbird Fan Shop! Take 20% off any order through 3/21 or 20% off orders $80+ through the end of March!
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
48Hr Sale
spirit wear
The Pettisville Music Boosters are recruiting new members. The Music Boosters provide support to all music programs of the Pettisville School District. The Boosters offer financial support and fundraising opportunities (food booth at the Fulton County Fair) for our music students and programs, as well as provide volunteers for various aspects of the music program. Music Booster volunteers chaperone music trips, organize and assist with fundraising, organize and provide meals for musical theater rehearsals, help with planning and behind-the-scenes work and assist at musical events, such as concerts and county festivals. The Pettisville Music Boosters are dedicated to the continued support of the Pettisville School District music students. We appreciate the support of the dedicated volunteers and welcome others to become involved. We would like to invite you to join us as a Pettisville Music Booster. We are currently looking for any and all parents who would like to become involved in this wonderful organization. If you have any questions or would like to become involved, please feel free to contact: Nate Kester at or Duane Beck at Thank you for considering this opportunity to work with and support our talented young musicians.
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
MrBeck + MrKester
REMINDER: Monday, March 22nd. There is a 2-Hr Delay scheduled for Staff Training on the Monday following Spring Break.
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
2Hr Delay
CONGRATULATIONS to the junior high quizzers who won both the JV and Varsity divisions of the Fulton County Junior High Quiz Tournament. Both teams were undefeated. Outstanding performance by all.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Lane
JH Quiz 2021
Wishing our students, staff and their families a GREAT Spring Break!
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
mascot slide
Saturday, March 13th, the FFA will be at the recycling center to accept all designated products. We have had a good amount of help available on these 2nd Saturday morning collections and would love to be busier. Let the FFA help unload your plastic, cardboard, magazines, aluminum, newspapers & more. Please clean any cardboard by removing plastic, styrofoam, other packing materials before breaking it down and putting it in the trailer. If the trailer is full, please come back with your cardboard at a later time. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
Congratulations to seventh grader Macy Hoylman for her 1st place finish in the Northwest Chapter Invitational for MathCounts. The competition was held Thursday, February 25. Macy now advances to the State Competition to be held virtually on March 25th.
almost 4 years ago, Mandy Wyman
REMINDER: Community Recreation UNIFORM orders are due Wed, March 10! Please order here:
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
2021 uniform summer rec
Tonight's PLS Board of Education Stream:
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
Issue 6 of the Pet Echoes has been released today! Check your emails for access instructions. Email if you have any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Lyla Heising
Attention JH and HS track athletes. This is a reminder that track practice begins on Monday, March 1 after school. If you have not received information from Coach Jaramillo please make sure to sign up in Final Forms for track and contact Coach Jaramillo with any questions:
almost 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
2021 Softball Ordering is Open! Store closes March 5th. Can also be found under Athletics --> Athletic Links
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
For Random Acts of Kindness Week we are asking for donations for the Blackbird Pantry. The pantry is in need of hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap. Students grades K-12 can bring in these items Thursday, Friday, and Monday. The donation bins will be in the main hallway.
almost 4 years ago, Mandy Wyman
2/17/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
2/17/2021 - Two Hour Delay
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman