2/16/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
Girls' 3rd through 6th grade basketball practices are cancelled for Monday, February 15th.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
REMINDER: Community Recreation Registrations (and payment) is DUE Friday, February 19th! https://www.pettisvilleschools.org/o/pettisville/page/community-recreation
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
comm rec 2021
Today the Pettisville High School was honored to hear the moving story of Peter Gorog, a Holocaust survivor. This was facilitated through the USHMM.
almost 4 years ago, Mandy Wyman
2021 Community Rec registration is LIVE! Find it HERE: Menu --> Athletics+ --> Community Recreation
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
community rec 2021
2/5/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
The Pettisville Local Board of Education’s meeting will take place Monday, February 8, 2021 at 4:30 PM EDT and Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 4:00 PM. The public portions of the meetings will be viewable at the following link on the school’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaOG-cDGyNTKEBhYfiI5CA
almost 4 years ago, Blackbird News
2021 Mini Birds sign-up and practice schedules are posted. Please find them HERE: MENU --> Athletics+ --> Athletic Links
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
2/2/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
2/2/2021 - 2 Hour Delay
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
2/1/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
2/1/2021 - Two Hour Delay
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
Issue 5 of the Pet Echoes has been released today! Check your emails for access instructions. Email yearbook@pettisvilleschools.org if you have any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Lyla Heising
8th grade shirts
1/26/2021 - Closed
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
1/26/2021 - 2 Hour Delay
almost 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
Due to COVID restrictions the mandatory CCP meeting will have a different format this year. If you would like information about CCP( College Credit Plus) please fill out this google form by Sunday, January 31st. Once the form is completed you and your student will receive additional information on Monday, February 1st. https://forms.gle/X5jPGRVeqKxyhj3Y9
almost 4 years ago, Mandy Wyman
Pettisville Elementary kicked off 2021 Fun Fridays with an indoor snowball fight. Some snowballs even found their way into the school office! https://youtu.be/uQjGCe0hbjM
almost 4 years ago, Jenae Lammers
The FFA will man the recycle center again on February 13th to take all products we collect. The cardboard trailer should be available most days. Please: Clean any cardboard of plastic, styrofoam, other packing before breaking it down and putting it in the trailer. Triangular Processing will have days off for Christmas break too and so the trailer might be full. Please come back with your cardboard at a later time if the trailer is full. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Lane
FFA Recycling
Ever since the homecoming court was initially recognized in front of the High School student body at lunch in December, Student Council has been planning for how to honor and celebrate the homecoming court members in a way that is safe and still inclusive of as many students, parents and community members as possible. Due to concerns about the pandemic and the inability to host a large crowd in the gym at this time, Pettisville High School will not be having a traditional homecoming dance or presentation of court during a basketball game in 2021. In light of this decision, we plan to hold an event in the spring, perhaps March or April, possibly involving something creative outdoors. Student Council, teacher advisors and administration all will work together to try to make it memorable. Please understand that we will continue to communicate as plans are made. As you have heard many times over, we are working within the guidelines of the global pandemic and will continue to make decisions holding the safety of our school community at the forefront. Pettisville Student Council Student Council Advisors
almost 4 years ago, Michael Lane
Live Broadcast: Edon at Pettisville for Tuesday, January 12. The Edon at Pettisville Boys Varsity Basketball Game on Tuesday, January 12, will be broadcast live on WOSN (West Ohio Sports Network). It can be watched on the WNHO YouTube Channel, WNHO Channel 26 with an antenna or Channel 19 on Spectrum, RTEC, and most other cable systems in the area. Here is a link to the YouTube page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKGugIaUsSY&feature=youtu.be (Please note the JV and varsity games will still be live streamed on the Pettisville YouTube Channel as well.)
almost 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier