Live Broadcast: Edon at Pettisville for Tuesday, January 5. The Edon at Pettisville Boys Varsity Basketball Game on Tuesday, January 5, will be broadcast live on WOSN (West Ohio Sports Network). It can be watched on the WNHO YouTube Channel, WNHO Channel 26 with an antenna or Channel 19 on Spectrum, RTEC, and most other cable systems in the area. Here is a link to the YouTube page. (Please note the JV and varsity games will still be live streamed on the Pettisville YouTube Channel as well.)
almost 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
Issue 4 of the Pet Echoes has been released today! Check your emails for access instructions. Email if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Lyla Heising
spirit week
Grades 7-12 Parents/Students: Please review the Remote Learning Plan schedule and attendance policy on the school webpage. Any changes will be updated on this page. Just a reminder Monday and Tuesday are only practice days. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Mandy Wyman
12/18/2020 - 2 Hour Delay
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
The FFA will man the recycle center again on January 9th to take all products we collect. The cardboard trailer should be available most days. Please: Clean any cardboard of plastic, styrofoam, other packing before breaking it down and putting it in the trailer. Triangular Processing will have days off for Christmas break too and so the trailer might be full. Please come back with your cardboard at a later time if the trailer is full. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Michael Lane
12/17/2020 - 2 Hour Delay
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
12/10/2020 - Closed
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
12/10/2020 - 2 Hour Delay
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
Live Broadcast: NC at Pettisville for Saturday, December 5. The North Central at Pettisville Boys Varsity Basketball Game on Saturday, December 5, will be broadcast live on WOSN (West Ohio Sports Network). It can be watched on the WNHO YouTube Channel, WNHO Channel 26 with an antenna or Channel 19 on Spectrum, RTEC, and most other cable systems in the area. Here is a link to the YouTube page. We will be live on YouTube around 6:45 and live on WNHO/WOSN at 7:00 pm. (Please note the JV and varsity games will still be live streamed on the Pettisville YouTube Channel as well.)
about 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
Updated FFA Recycling Information - see attached flyer...
about 4 years ago, Michael Lane
FFA Recycling
12/1/2020 - Closed
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
12/1/2020 - 2 Hour Delay
about 4 years ago, Mike Zimmerman
The live stream links for Pettisville home basketball games and away basketball games can be found on the school website in the News section. The link for JV and varsity boys basketball for tonight at Hilltop is below.
about 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
Issue 3 of the Pet Echoes has been released today! Check your emails for access instructions. Email if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Lyla Heising
Outdoor Lunch
Girls Basketball: Stryker at Pettisville for Friday, November 20, is cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier
Updated FFA Recycling Information - see attached flyer...
about 4 years ago, Michael Lane
FFA Recycling Flyer
This is the last week to order your 2020-21 Pettisville yearbook at its lowest price ($40). Order by Friday before the price increases. Forms are in the office or you can order at
about 4 years ago, Rebecca Dorosz
Issue 2 of the Pet Echoes has been released today! Check your emails for access instructions. Email if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Lyla Heising
Updated FFA Recycling Information - see attached flyer
about 4 years ago, Michael Lane
FFA Recycling Information
We will be welcoming home the golf team in the south parking lot of the school at 8:15 as they arrive in Pettisville.
about 4 years ago, Brian Leppelmeier